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Lori Kelly

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Is someone gaslighting you? Take this test to find out

Is someone gaslighting you? Take this test to find out

Is someone gaslighting you? Take this test to find out


**Are You Being Gaslighted? Take This Simple Test to Find Out**

Gaslighting can be tough to recognize because it subtly makes you question your reality. To help with this, researchers have developed an online test that identifies potential signs of gaslighting in relationships. The test consists of 11 questions, each with five possible answers, ranging from “never” to “always.”

Here are the key signs that someone may be gaslighting you:

1. They make you doubt things you’ve said.
2. They make you feel like everything you do is wrong.
3. They deny saying things you remember them saying.
4. They make you think you don’t understand situations.
5. They make you question your memory of past events.
6. They make you feel like you’re constantly in the wrong.
7. They make you feel like you’re difficult to get along with.
8. They make you think you don’t understand them.
9. They accuse you of distorting events.
10. They act like you’re overreacting or exaggerating.
11. They accuse you of things you didn’t do.

While this test won’t give a definitive answer, it can help you reflect on your experiences. If most of these behaviors happen frequently, there’s a chance you might be experiencing gaslighting. Just remember, occasional instances of these behaviors aren’t uncommon—the average answer for most questions is “rarely.”

You can take the test yourself on [PsyPost.org](https://www.psypost.org) and see where you stand.

Understanding these red flags is a good first step toward recognizing unhealthy patterns and taking action to protect your mental and emotional well-being!

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