Welcome to Little Debbie Park …

Welcome to Little Debbie Park …

Welcome to Little Debbie Park …


If you are a lifelong fan of Little Debbie snack cakes who grew up on a steady diet of Oatmeal Creme Pies and Swiss Cake Rolls, then you may want to take a detour on your next road trip to Collegedale, Tennessee, home of the new Little Debbie Park.

McKee Foods, the company that makes Little Debbie cakes, is headquartered in Collegedale and the McKee family purchased 10 acres of land and donated it to the town for it to be used specifically as a community park for all to enjoy.

The park is open to everyone and features all sorts of equipment for kids. There are also plenty of oversized Little Debbie cakes that visitors can climb on. Or, if they’d like, they can take a selfie with a humongous Oatmeal Creme Pie, a stack of Nutty Buddy Bars, or a Fantasy-sized Cosmic Brownie. There’s also a 6-foot-tall Christmas Tree Cake sculpture. I would totally go to this park! ~Lori

Park Details HERE.

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