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Memorable Vacations

Memorable Vacations

Memorable Vacations


For the unofficial start of summer, a new poll found what the perfect summer vacation would look like.

Here’s the basic formula:  Travel with at least four people you want to be with . . . enjoy a minimum of four new experiences together . . . and do at least one thing that’s “unexpected.”

It also looked at the top moments that can make a vacation memorable.  Here are the top ten . . .

1.  Watching a sunrise or sunset with friends and family.

2.  Something happens that becomes a running joke the whole trip.

3.  Something funny happens that you’ll tell stories about for years.

4.  A new experience takes you out of your comfort zone.

5.  Having drinks or dinner with a great view.

6.  Making friends with some locals and hanging out with them.

7.  Trying a new food you probably wouldn’t find at home.

8.  Getting lost or taking a detour, and coming across something amazing.

9.  Visiting a famous landmark.

10.  Swimming in the ocean.

A few more that made the top 20 include:  Ticking something off your bucket list . . . finding the perfect souvenir or gift . . . anything that spikes your adrenaline, like bungee jumping . . . and seeing someone propose.

Read more here

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