Phone Habits Killing Your Relationship

Phone Habits Killing Your Relationship

Phone Habits Killing Your Relationship


Could your phone habits be slowly damaging your relationship? It’s something we don’t always think about, but a marriage counselor recently shared a list of nine things he and his wife agreed never to do with their phones. These tips are all about maintaining trust and avoiding unnecessary secrecy in a relationship.

While it’s healthy to have some privacy, there’s a fine line between privacy and secrecy. Keeping things hidden can raise red flags and lead to mistrust. Here are nine phone habits that might be hurting your relationship:

1. **Not Sharing Passwords**: Trust is the foundation of any relationship. If you can’t share your phone password with your partner, it might suggest a lack of trust.

2. **Hiding Your Phone**: If you’re tucking your phone away when you go to take a shower, it could come across as suspicious. What’s there to hide?

3. **Keeping Your Phone Face Down**: When your phone is always face down on the table, it might seem like you’re worried about a text popping up that you don’t want your partner to see.

4. **Turning Your Phone Away While Using It**: Tilting your phone screen away while typing or browsing can suggest that you’re hiding something. It creates a sense of secrecy that can lead to mistrust.

5. **Quickly Closing Apps or Locking Your Phone When They Walk By**: If you always exit an app or lock your phone the moment your partner is nearby, it’s natural for them to wonder what you’re trying to hide.

6. **Changing Your Password Without Mentioning It**: If you change your phone password and don’t tell your partner, it can seem shady—especially if they try to use your phone and can’t get in.

7. **Being Hot and Cold About Letting Them Use Your Phone**: It’s all about consistency. If sometimes you’re fine with them using your phone and other times you’re not, it sends mixed signals.

8. **Getting Defensive About Your Privacy**: If your partner asks about your privacy and you get angry or defensive, it might feel like you’re deflecting or hiding something. Don’t gaslight them into thinking it’s unreasonable to ask.

9. **Suddenly Becoming Overly Protective of Your Phone**: If you’ve always been casual about your phone and then suddenly become highly protective of it, it’s a red flag. Unless you’re planning a surprise for them, they’re right to be concerned.

These small habits can add up and create unnecessary tension in a relationship. It’s all about openness and trust. Remember, privacy is healthy, but secrecy can be harmful. Keeping the lines of communication open and being transparent with your partner can go a long way in maintaining a strong, healthy relationship.

Source: NY Post

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