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Bizarre “House Rules” People Experienced at Someone Else’s Home

Bizarre “House Rules” People Experienced at Someone Else’s Home

Bizarre “House Rules” People Experienced at Someone Else’s Home


When you’re growing up, it’s easy to think that everything your family does is NORMAL.  So when you go to a friend’s house, you might be in for a bit of a shock.

People on social media are talking about the bizarre “house rules” they experienced when staying at someone else’s home when they were a kid.  The “best” ones are:

1.  Someone said they had to take a bath at a friend’s house one time, and discovered they had a rule where they re-used the bathwater . . . apparently to conserve money or water.  There were five kids living in the house.

The person says they had to use the water that had already been used once or more . . . and they’re STILL bothered by it.

2.  The internet had to be off at 8:00 P.M., because “all the good websites shut off,” and the only websites left were bad / naughty.

3.  The father used to turn the Wi-Fi off at 9:00 P.M. every night . . . like a light-switch . . . so it wasn’t “wasted.”

4.  Kids weren’t allowed inside during the day.  And when they visited, if it was mealtime, the mother would just hand the plates out the window to them.

5.  Every morning, the females (including female guests) had to wake up early, and clean the house . . . even though it was cleaned the day before.

6.  The parents had a rule that you had to say, “No, PLEASE.”  So if her friend’s brother was pulling on her hair, she’d have to say, “No, PLEASE.”

7.  A woman says she slept over at a friend’s house when she was 14, and her friend’s mom would confiscate her phone at the door . . . even though her dad had given it to her for safety.

8.  Everyone was forbidden from chewing gum . . . even guests.

9.  One person said that in middle school, they went to a sleepover, and got in trouble for taking their shoes OFF when they entered the house.  The family had a strict “shoes ON all the time” rule except when sleeping.

10.  One person said they were eating lunch during a play date . . . and it was tomato soup and crackers.  They grabbed some crackers and crushed them with their hands over the bowl.

The mom said, “Oh, we don’t do it that way around here!”  She said they place the crackers in the soup and then crush them with their spoon.


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